
大学案内 教員紹介



井上 彩







博士(言語学)University of Hawai`i at Mānoa


University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Department of Linguistics (Ph.D. in Linguistics)


Researcher, Charlene J. Sato Center for Pidgin, Creole, and Dialect Studies, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa.



科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 21K00506 2021年-2024年 「ハワイ?クレオールにおける視覚的語彙認識―二言語変種併用の及ぼす影響―」
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 17K02736 2017年-2022年 「ハワイ?クレオールの文法的変異の社会的及び言語内的要因」



(2022a). The use of fo complementation in current Hawai‘i Creole. In World Englishes and Creole Languages Today Vol. I: The Schneiderian Thinking and Beyond, In Honour of Edgar W. Schneider (LINCOM Studies in English Linguistics 24). Aloysius Ngefac, Hans-Georg Wolf & Thomas Hoffmann (eds), 167-176. Munich: Lincom GmbH.

(2022b). 「中学校英語教科書における英語母語話者と日本人英語学習者の表象」(研究ノート、石原知英、樗木勇作、石上文正、関根紳太郎、福本明子、宮原淳との共著)Media, English and Communication、第12号(通巻第61号)、pp.65-82.

(2020). (with David Toohey) Discourses reporting Hawaii as the first state to enact to a law that aligns with the Paris Climate Agreement. The Bulletin of Aichi University of the Arts, 49, 25-35.

(2019a). Linguistic attitudes towards the use of Pidgin (Hawai‘i Creole) in the media. The Bulletin of Aichi University of the Arts, 48, 211-222.

(2019b). (with David Toohey) Reading and media: Encouraging critical thinking and choosing quality sources for EFL classrooms. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education.

(2019c). Comparing authentic materials with non-authentic materials for reading textbooks in university level EFL classrooms in Japan. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education.

(2017a). (with David Toohey) Using authentic materials from media to enhance cultural understanding in Japanese EFL classrooms in universities. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education.

(2017b). 「英文大学案内にみるメディア英語の批判的分析立命館アジア太平洋大学と国際教養大学の事例」メディア意識研究分科会(関根紳太郎、石原知英、樗木勇作、福本明子との共著)Media, English and Communication、第7号(通巻第56号)、pp.80-103. 

(2016). Exploring the Grammar of Non-Standardized Languages: A Case Study of Hawai`i Creole. 澳门永利会平台紀要 No.45. pp. 195-207.

(2014). 「ハワイ?クレオールと言語意識」Media, English and Communication、第4号(通巻第53号)、pp.43-55.

(2011a). Memories and the Nation-State: Japanese-American Discourses on Hiroshima. (with David Toohey) 国際基督教大学学報3-A『アジア文化研究』37号、pp. 141-161.

(2011b). 「現代英語教育における『国際語』としての英語の導入」愛知大学語学教育研究室紀要『言語と文化』第24号、pp.157-165.

(2007a). Covert ideologies in Pidgin-English translation humor. Proceedings of Symposium About Language and Society - Austin (SALSAXV), Texas Linguistics Forum 51, Austin: Department of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin.

(2007b). From exclusive particle to adversative conjunction: A study on the particle tasol in Tok Pisin. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 33), Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

(2007c). Copula patterns in Hawai`i Creole: Creole origin and decreolization. In Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages (Creole Language Library 32), Viveka Velupillai & Magnus Huber (eds), 183-195. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

(2007d). National Science Foundation Report (USA) Findings: Section 2. Internal Variation (as a main author of the section 2, in Findings Chapter, pp. 15-27) Project title “External Influences and Internal Variation in Current Hawai`i Creole” PI: Jeff Siegel, NSF grant BCS 03-45959.

(2006). Grammatical features of Yokohama Pidgin Japanese: Common characteristics of restricted pidgins. In Japanese / Korean Linguistics Volume 15, Naomi McGloin & Junko Mori (eds), 55-66. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

(2004a). Visual word recognition in Hawai`i Creole English: Bidialectal effects on reading. University of Hawai`i Working Paper in Linguistics 35(2), 1-29.

(2004b) Pidginized variety of Japanese in Yokohama: Can we label it as pidgin? Proceedings: Selected Papers from the Seventh College-wide Conference for Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i at Mānoa.

Refereed Conference Presentations

(2024). “Reading Hawai'i Creole words and sentences in different types of orthographies.” (with Amy J. Schafer) Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL) Winter Meeting, (Online conference), April 5-6.

(2023).「生成 AI の利用に関する 声明から見る日本の大学の対応」(宮原淳、石原知英、樗木勇作、福本明子との共著)日本メディア英語学会第13回(通算65回)年次大会(於近畿大学)


(2021). “Implication of the use of for complementation in current Hawai‘i Creole speech.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation in Asia Pacific 6 (NWAV A-P6), National University of Singapore, (Online conference), February 17-20.

(2019). “Describing for complementation in current Hawai‘i Creole speech.” English in Contact 2019, Kyushu University, Nishijin Plaza, Fukuoka, Japan, March 28-29.

(2019). “Reading and media: Encouraging critical thinking and choosing quality sources for EFL classrooms.” (with David Toohey) The 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, HI, January 5-8.

(2019). “Comparing authentic materials with non-authentic materials for reading textbooks in university level EFL classrooms in Japan.” The 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, HI, January 5-8.

(2018), “Linguistic Attitudes towards the Use of Pidgin (Hawai‘i Creole) in the Media” 日本メディア英語学会第8回(通算60回)年次大会(10月21日於東京学芸大学)

(2018). “Implications of variable past tense marking in Hawai‘i Creole.” Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL-LSA), Grand Hotel America, Salt Lake City, UT, January 4-7.

(2017). “Discourses Reporting Hawaii as the First State to Enact a Law That Aligns with the Paris Climate Agreement.” (with David Toohey) 日本メディア英語学会第7回(通算59回)年次大会(1029日於佛教大学)

(2017). “Analyzing variation in perception grammar of non-standard languages: A case of Hawai'i Creole.“ The Sixteenth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (METHODS XVI), National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), Tokyo, Japan, August 7-11.

(2017). “Using authentic materials from media to enhance cultural understanding in Japanese EFL classrooms in universities.” (with David Toohey) The 15th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, HI, January 3-6.


(2016). “Linguistic Attitudes towards the Use of Hawai`i Creole (Pidgin): Findings from a Questionnaire.” The 14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, HI, January 3-6.

(2015). 「メディア意識 論の学際的研究 ―多?的視点か ら英?記事を評 価する―」 (共著) 日本メディア英語学会第5回(通算57回)年次大会(10月26日於大阪府立大学)

(2014). “Preliminary analysis on presentation of immigrants in Japan in both English and Japanese media discourse.” (with David Toohey) 日本メディア英語学会第4回(通算56回)年次大会(10月26日於愛知淑徳大学)

(2012). “Co-occurrence constraints of past-time marker wen in Hawai`i Creole.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation in Asia Pacific 2 (NWAV A-P2), National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), Tokyo.

(2009). “Basilectal, mesolectal and acrolectal patterns in copula variability: a case of Hawai`i Creole.” Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL-LSA), Hilton San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, January 9-10.

(2008). “Memory and the state: Japanese-American discourses on Hiroshima.” (with David Toohey) The 49th Annual International Studies Association (ISA) Convention at the panel entitled Discourse and Identity: How Language Shapes Who We Are, Hilton San Francisco, CA March 26-29.

(2008). “Effectiveness of grammaticality judgment as a tool for investigating perception grammar in creole languages.” The 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 34), University of California at Berkeley, CA February 8-10.

(2007). “Covert ideologies in Pidgin-English translation humor.” (with Andrew D.W. Wong) Symposium About Language and Society - Austin (SALSAXV), University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, April 12-15.

(2007). “Exploring variability in the grammar of non-standardized language: The role of social factors in Hawai`i Creole English.” (In the group presentation entitled “Raising language awareness through research & community activism” as a member of Da Pidgin Coup) The 2007 conference of the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS 2007), Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa, Honolulu, HI: April 2-4.

(2007). “From exclusive particle to adversative conjunction: A study on the particle tasol in Tok Pisin.” The 33rd Annual Meeting for the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 33), University of California at Berkeley, CA February 9-11.

(2006). “Copula patterns in Hawai`i Creole: Creole origin and decreolization.” Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL-LSA), the Hyatt Regency Hotel and the Doubletree Hotel, Albuquerque, NM, January.

(2006). “Copula absence in Hawai`i Creole: Social and linguistic constraints of variation.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation, New York University, NY.

(2005). “Grammatical features of Yokohama Pidgin Japanese: Common characteristics of restricted pidgins.”15th Japanese / Korean Conference, University of Wisconsin at Madison.

(2005). “A quantitative study on past tense reference in Hawai`i Creole English.” Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL-LSA) Oakland, CA.

(2004). “Variation of past-tense marking in Hawai`i Creole English.” New Ways of Analyzing Variation 33 (NWAV33), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

(2004). “Bidialectal effects on reading: Visual word recognition in Hawai`i creole English.” The 6th International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics (COOL6), University of South Pacific, Vanuatu.

(2004). “Visual word recognition in Hawai`i Creole English: Bidialectal effects on reading.” Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Boston MA.

(2003). “Sociolinguistic history and linguistic features of pidginized Japanese in Yokohama.” Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL), University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, HI.

(1999). 「トク?ピシンの不変化詞tasolについて」第119回日本言語学会(11月27-28日於神戸松蔭女子学院大学)


Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics、日本メディア英語学会、社会言語科学会




2005-2006 American Association of University Women Honolulu Branch, Pacific Fellowship

2002, 2004 The Charlene Junko Sato Endowed Memorial Fund Award

2001-2005 East-West Center, Graduate Degree Fellowship